ATTRACT featured stories: Algebraic speckle tomography (ASPECT)

ATTRACT featured stories: Algebraic speckle tomography (ASPECT)
What has the ATTRACT seed funding enabled you to do so far?

The ATTRACT seed funding has allowed us to allocate resources for a dream that otherwise would have waited in a drawer for a long time, time that is not always easy to find.
We benefit from the prestige of the consortium and from the spirit of ATTRACT which spreads enthusiasm and motivation around us: we have contacted several laboratories and tech-companies that have opened their installations to test our new ideas on their equipment and allowed us to collaborate with their staff. All is done in a very positive atmosphere permeated by a pioneering enthusiasm.

What challenges have you faced so far?

The three main challenges that we faced at the beginning of the projects were:

  • The development of the algorithm itself and its adaptation to the experimental conditions.
  • Setting up experimental installations and preparing sample tests  to reproduce the conditions of clinical tests including the implementation of our method.
  • Operating the experimental installation, processing the data and quality assessment.
Where does your ATTRACT journey go from here?

The ASPECT code is working! We are now in the final lane, applying the new technique in clinical conditions. An example is shown in the featured image: a finger of a patient with osteoarthritis. The rendering is obtained from data taken on a conventional x-ray source.

Sum up in two sentences the advantages of the ATTRACT Programme over other research funding schemes.

We are very grateful to the organisers of the ATTRACT initiative, as they have created an ideal and friendly frame for creative/innovative work.

For more information

Visit the ASPECT project site.

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