Collaboration started with local schools

Collaboration started with local schools

© European XFEL

A visit from pupils from the eighth grade of the local secondary school ‘Achter de Weiden’ was the kick-off for a series of projects developed together with European XFEL and secondary schools in Schenefeld. The goal of the collaboration is to enable school pupils from the local area an exclusive look behind the scenes, and the chance to engage with staff to explore job opportunities at a scientific research institute such as European XFEL. In the future visits for school students of all ages are planned, including tours, discussions and experiments, as well as longer practicals. European XFEL scientists will also visit schools in the area. During their visit, the students had the chance to learn about how the world largest X-ray laser works as well as visit the experiment hall and tunnel in Schenefeld. Furthermore European XFEL staff presented the diverse apprenticeship and job possibilities available at European XFEL.


About European XFEL

The European XFEL is a 3.4 km long research facility extending from Hamburg to the neighbouring town of Schenefeld in the German Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein. With its repetition rate of 27,000 pulses per second and a peak brilliance a billion times higher than that of the best synchrotron X-ray radiation sources, the European XFEL enables the investigation of scientific problems in a variety of disciplines, including among many others: Structural Biology, Chemistry, Planetary Science, the study of matter under extreme conditions.


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