Consortium size: <span>5 or more organisations</span>

Home / 5 or more organisations
Imaging in space-time and tracking (INSTANT)
Selected Project

Imaging in space-time and tracking (INSTANT)

We propose a compact imaging and particle-tracking device, named INSTANT, consisting of a complete detection and image processing system, from pixel sensors to data processing electronics. It provides very high time (10ps) and space (10μm) resolution per pixel. Embedded data processing for data compression and real-time reconstruction of the recorded events is also a key...

Radiation dosimetry with fiber optic sensors (RaDFOS)
Selected Project

Radiation dosimetry with fiber optic sensors (RaDFOS)

The RaDFOS project has the ambitious goal of developing a dosimeter suitable for the next generation of particle accelerators and fusion reactors. The development of these new energy machine poses the need for new dosimetry technologies capable to measure the unprecedented level of dose expected from their operation, quantified above the MGy level. The RaDFOS...

Compressive spectral imaging microscopy for cancer detection (COSMIC)
Selected Project

Compressive spectral imaging microscopy for cancer detection (COSMIC)

The project aims to develop a novel rapid spectral imaging microscopy technique and device in light of its expected unprecedented capability in cancer detection. It brings together the expertise of three research groups at two universities with years of experience in relevant fields. While common image acquisition provides only three values (RGB) for each pixel of the image,...