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A novel holistic approach for hardware trojan detection powered by deep learning (HERO)
Selected Project

A novel holistic approach for hardware trojan detection powered by deep learning (HERO)

Hardware trojans (HT) impact our everyday life and may even cause life threatening situations. Unlike other errors and malfunctions, Trojans are inserted deliberately. Apart from insider attacks, the economically driven outsourcing of production steps to third party contractors enlarges the attack surface dramatically. Ideally, any undesired modification made to an IC should be detectable by presilicon verification/simulation and post-silicon...

Graphene interferometric modulator displays (GIMOD)
Selected Project

Graphene interferometric modulator displays (GIMOD)

Displays components consume the most power in electronic devices such as smartphones. Portable devices usually convert electricity into light to show images and videos, which spends much energy. Alternatively, reflective-type displays in e-book readers consume little power but cannot provide colourful images nor fast frame rates to reproduce videos. Standard technologies cannot meet the requirements for virtual reality...