Country: <span>France</span>

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The research project Echobrain aims to innovate in transcranial ultrasound (US) imaging. Indeed, brain echography could be much more accessible than the current used techniques Xrays or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) but remains challenging due to strong attenuation and aberration of the US beam when crossing the skull bone. The quality of transcranial echography can...

Ultra sensitive magneto optical fibered sensors (ULTRAMAGFIBER)
Selected Project

Ultra sensitive magneto optical fibered sensors (ULTRAMAGFIBER)

The purpose of this project is to explore the potential of new preparation processes of magneto optical (MO) materials for applications in guided optics. The project is based on unique know how to IPCMS: to the development of materials initiated by the Département de Chimie des Matériaux Inorganiques of the IPCMS and developed by the...

Nano-photonics applied to ultrafast single photon quantum sensors (PHOTOQUANT)
Selected Project

Nano-photonics applied to ultrafast single photon quantum sensors (PHOTOQUANT)

PHOTOQUANT aims at exploiting the potential of the emerging field of nano-photonics for developing a new generation of highly efficient and ultrafast single-photon quantum sensors. The project proposes two different approaches: the first will exploit the ability of nanometallic structures to concentrate light into subwavelength volumes, designing an interface layer between the light source and...

Quantum optimisation of worldwide LHC computing grid data placement (QUOG-DP)
Selected Project

Quantum optimisation of worldwide LHC computing grid data placement (QUOG-DP)

In the year 2000, the HEP community decided to adopt the recent concept of computing grid for the computing of the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN (LHC). It took a decade of intense work to turn the Grid vision to reality. It was also a successful decision, as the worldwide LHC computing...

Digital burst image sensor (DIBIS)
Selected Project

Digital burst image sensor (DIBIS)

The high speed cameras make it possible to acquire a fast single event at a fast frame rate and to observe it at a reduced frame rate, the so called “slow motion”. They find many applications in motion analysis, explosives, ballistic, bio-mechanics research, crash test, manufacturing, production line monitoring, deformation, droplet formation, fluid dynamics, particle,...

Smart optical biopsy with polarised light (SmartOpsy)
Selected Project

Smart optical biopsy with polarised light (SmartOpsy)

In this project the innovative photonics-based technologies, emerging paradigms in machine learning, new concepts in computational modelling of light-tissue interaction and definitive pathology are merged together to explore the opportunity of using the fundamental properties of light, namely circular and/or elliptical polarisation and spin angular momentum of light, for advanced cell cultures diagnosis and tissue...

A monolithic picosecond avalanche detector (MonPicoAD)
Selected Project

A monolithic picosecond avalanche detector (MonPicoAD)

The enormous potential of silicon sensors in precise time measurement of ionizing particles is far from being exploited. At present, the best time resolutions in pixelated silicon is obtained by the proponents that have measured 100 and 130ps with low-noise ultra-fast SiGe HBT electronics in hybrid and monolithic implementations, respectively, without internal gain mechanism. Recently,...

Low Temperature Communication Link (LTCL)
Selected Project

Low Temperature Communication Link (LTCL)

The Low Temperature Communication Link is a component of a more ambitious programme “Smart Diagnostics of Superconducting Magnets”. The initial idea of “Smart Diagnostics” is included in the FuSuMaTech Initiative. It comes from considering a superconducting magnet as an IoT (Internet of Things) device. Even if this is presented as targeting superconducting magnets the solution...

Mini CdTe on chip – MC2
Selected Project

Mini CdTe on chip – MC2

Assembly of heterogeneous full-custom integrated circuits in high-reliability components allows to create innovative functions in miniature systems, especially in the field of detection and imaging. Whatever the field of application (space science, synchrotron imaging spectrometers applied to X-ray fluorescence, medical imaging, additive manufacturing monitoring, …), the density of electronics is growing up and embedded systems...

Strain relaxation of In-rich InGaN layers for full-spectrum micro-LED displays (InGaN-FULL-SPECTRUM)
Selected Project

Strain relaxation of In-rich InGaN layers for full-spectrum micro-LED displays (InGaN-FULL-SPECTRUM)

III-Nitride semiconductors (GaN, InN, AlN and their alloys) know an extremely rapid and extensive development in electronics and optoelectronics where lighting represents the first application. White LED lighting systems are based on indirect phosphor photoluminescence with nitride LED as an exciting source, although nitride materials offer theoretically the unique potential of a direct electroluminescence at...

Digital-integration front-end for high dynamic range pixel area detectors (DINPAD)
Selected Project

Digital-integration front-end for high dynamic range pixel area detectors (DINPAD)

This proposal aims at validating a novel readout concept for the front-end of 2D pixelated detectors that is under development by the ESRF and the University of Heidelberg under the name of digital integration. This new concept combines features of both photon-counting and charge-integrating techniques. It is particularly suitable for X-ray detectors that need to...

Low noise magnetometer based on tunnel junctions (MAROT)
Selected Project

Low noise magnetometer based on tunnel junctions (MAROT)

The ultimate goal of the project is to realise a new miniaturised and ultra-sensitive magnetometer that can be used in space on all kinds of platforms, including nanosatellites. This new magnetometer, called MAROT (Low noise MAgnetometeR based On Tunnel junctions), is based on improved magnetic tunnel junctions. Compared to state-of-the-art magnetometers used in space, this...

Novative RadHard front-end ASIC for LIDAR (LIROC)
Selected Project

Novative RadHard front-end ASIC for LIDAR (LIROC)

LIDAR is a distance and speed measurement apparatus using reflection characteristics of an emitted light. A laser emits a brief coherent light pulse at a defined frequency. A photodetector measures the reflected light. The time between emitted and detected light allows to compute the distance from the target. Frequency shift in the reflected light also...

Algebraic speckle Tomography (ASPECT)
Selected Project

Algebraic speckle Tomography (ASPECT)

Osteoarticular diseases are the most prevalent chronic pains and long-term disabilities with hundreds of millions people affected worldwide. They represent a major socioeconomic burden: a recent study estimated that the cost of arthritis, in industrialised countries, is ranging from 1% up to 2.5% of Gross National Product. Until now there is a lack of imaging...

Personal radars for radio imaging and infrastructure-less localisation (PRIMELOC)
Selected Project

Personal radars for radio imaging and infrastructure-less localisation (PRIMELOC)

The vision PRIMELOC envisions a future where location-based services, enabled outdoor by Galileo or GPS, will be widely provided also in indoor spaces, thanks to the availability of automatically generated maps and infrastructure-less localisation inside buildings. In this project, we devise the new concept of personal radar as a fundamental step toward this goal. This concept stems...

Positronium surface-scanning microscopy (O-possum II)
Selected Project

Positronium surface-scanning microscopy (O-possum II)

Microscopy (whether using neutral systems, such as photons or atoms, or charged systems, such as electrons) requires the ability to “optically” manipulate low energy particles, through a series of “lenses” that are used to focus a beam and scan it across a surface (except in the case of atomic force microscopy, where the divergently emitting...

Emerging life (EmLife)
Selected Project

Emerging life (EmLife)

Life is more than the sum of its constituent molecules. It is dependent on the way these molecules interact and cooperate with each other, i.e., the way they are organised in self-sustaining chemical reaction networks. Understanding the general chemical organisation underlying living systems, and even more so the ability to have such systems emerge and evolve...

Perovskites for spectrometric X-ray imaging (PerXI)
Selected Project

Perovskites for spectrometric X-ray imaging (PerXI)

Medical X-ray imaging improvements contribute to better diagnosis and treatments of many medical conditions. The next breakthrough in radiography will be X-ray spectral imaging, which will make it possible to distinguish much better between the different types of biological tissues of patients’ organs than current imaging techniques. Thus, these highly precise medical imaging based on chemical contrasts will deliver...

SRS histopathology (SRHisto)
Selected Project

SRS histopathology (SRHisto)

Cancer is among the main causes for death in the EU. According to Eurostat more than 350,000 cancer-related surgeries in Germany and France were carried out in 2016 only. All surgeries face the same challenge: Was all cancerous tissue removed from the patient? Answering this question reliably during the surgery itself is vital, but unfortunately not possible...

Disruptive imaging spectroscopy for minimal-invasive cancer diagnostics (3D-CANCER-SPEC)
Selected Project

Disruptive imaging spectroscopy for minimal-invasive cancer diagnostics (3D-CANCER-SPEC)

Cancer is the second leading cause for death worldwide. A current trend in medicine demands to develop minimal-invasive optical imaging techniques to visually determine lesion boundaries. If such a device was available, the current 2-step procedure of biopsy and follow-up analysis of stained tissue under the microscope by the pathologist could be replaced by a...