Country: <span>Greece</span>

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A novel holistic approach for hardware trojan detection powered by deep learning (HERO)
Selected Project

A novel holistic approach for hardware trojan detection powered by deep learning (HERO)

Hardware trojans (HT) impact our everyday life and may even cause life threatening situations. Unlike other errors and malfunctions, Trojans are inserted deliberately. Apart from insider attacks, the economically driven outsourcing of production steps to third party contractors enlarges the attack surface dramatically. Ideally, any undesired modification made to an IC should be detectable by presilicon verification/simulation and post-silicon...

Cavity-enhanced microscopy (CEMIC)
Selected Project

Cavity-enhanced microscopy (CEMIC)

Much of the knowledge that we have from our world stems from the analysis of images. Using optics and cameras, we can map how much light a sample absorbs or how by how quickly the light propagates in a medium (both together are described by the complex refractive index). From these spectral properties, we can...