Country: <span>Israel</span>

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Live, autonomous biosensor modules for environmental monitoring (SENSEI)
Selected Project

Live, autonomous biosensor modules for environmental monitoring (SENSEI)

The SENSEI project will develop a novel generic sensing methodology, integrating live sensor cells into a specially designed miniaturised hardware platform. The design and construction of such bio-hybrid sensors will combine state of the art synthetic biology with innovative integrated photonic circuits (IPCs), an objective that is unachievable with today’s technologies. The proposed methodology will...

Single pixel thermal camera based on liquid crystal resonant structures (SPT-Cam)
Selected Project

Single pixel thermal camera based on liquid crystal resonant structures (SPT-Cam)

Infrared (IR) or thermal imaging sensors, traditionally used in defence, are increasingly being introduced in civilian sectors with the rise of new commercial and high volume markets such as automotive, surveillance, thermography, medical diagnosis, environmental sensing and IR imaging in smartphones. The market size in 2018 is around 1M units for the civil market and...

Self-aligning achromatic light transducers (SALT)
Selected Project

Self-aligning achromatic light transducers (SALT)

The goal of this proposal is to implement broadband giant refraction (n>10) to achieve a basic building block in what could be termed a white-light photonics, an all-purpose achromatic white-light transducer. The white-light transducer will be able to transfer with maximum efficiency light from any angle of incidence to a photosensitive sensor, irrespective of the...

Re-designed whole-cell biosensors for environmental monitoring (RE-SENSE)
Selected Project

Re-designed whole-cell biosensors for environmental monitoring (RE-SENSE)

In RE-SENSE we propose a new approach to biosensing: the introduction of innovative computational modelling of gene expression to the “tailoring” and optimisation of synthetic biology pathways for whole-cell biosensor design, advancing the field significantly beyond its current state of the art. We will demonstrate the feasibility of this concept by enhancing the performance of...

Endoscopy by interferenceless coded aperture correlation holography device with annular optical aperture (EI-COACH)
Selected Project

Endoscopy by interferenceless coded aperture correlation holography device with annular optical aperture (EI-COACH)

Recently, we proposed a novel imaging method which combines two different concepts; coded aperture imaging and incoherent digital holography. This combination opens new world of 3D imaging with interesting unexpected features. The new imaging concept is dubbed interferenceless coded aperture correlation holography (I-COACH). In I-COACH, modulating a single beam with a codded phase mask yields...

Compressive spectral imaging microscopy for cancer detection (COSMIC)
Selected Project

Compressive spectral imaging microscopy for cancer detection (COSMIC)

The project aims to develop a novel rapid spectral imaging microscopy technique and device in light of its expected unprecedented capability in cancer detection. It brings together the expertise of three research groups at two universities with years of experience in relevant fields. While common image acquisition provides only three values (RGB) for each pixel of the image,...

Single spin NMR (NMR1)
Selected Project

Single spin NMR (NMR1)

The scanning tunneling microscope (STM) is unique in its atomic resolution. The objective of the research is to develop an STM technique that will provide an NMR signal for each atom that the STM observe. This is possible using the hyperfine coupling between an electron which will be injected into the molecule and the nearby...

Biosensor for an electrochemically-based point-of-care diagnostics (PTMsense TM)
Selected Project

Biosensor for an electrochemically-based point-of-care diagnostics (PTMsense TM)

This phase I project scope is to develop the PTMsenseTM , a novel microscale electrochemical biosensor for highly sensitive detection of protein modifications. The biosensor will be further integrated (outside the scope of the phase I project) as the core technology of companion diagnostic kits that will allow matching a drug to a cancer patient in point-of-care settings....