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Substrate integrated novel antenna technology for millimetre -wave radars (Sinatra)
Selected Project

Substrate integrated novel antenna technology for millimetre -wave radars (Sinatra)

Last decade strong technological effort provided the availability on the market of cheap chips integrating a full 77 GHz radar system, including the RF and the signal processing sections, which potentially offer an infinite variety of applications beyond the original one, i.e., automotive safety and autonomous drive. However an analogous effort on the radar antenna is yet to...

Near-infrared resonant cavity enhanced graphene/silicon photodetectors (REVEAL)
Selected Project

Near-infrared resonant cavity enhanced graphene/silicon photodetectors (REVEAL)

The overall aim of neaR-infrarEd resonant caVity enhancEd grAphene/siLicon photodetectors (REVEAL) is both to develop processes for the integration of graphene into a silicon (Si) technology platform and to realise high-performance Si-based photodetectors (PDs) operating at 1550 nm. Indeed, whilst the introduction of new material like graphene in a stable and reliable Si technology has to face...

One dimensional, single-chain polymers for gas sensors through high-pressure technology (SCENT)
Selected Project

One dimensional, single-chain polymers for gas sensors through high-pressure technology (SCENT)

SCENT aims to realise isolated, single-chain polymeric nanostructures (i.e. conjugated polymers and carbon chains), featuring one-dimensional (1D) quantum-confined properties in configurations suitable for exploitation as gas-sensors. The key elements of our proposal are: i) the development of inert zeolites with hierarchical porosity controlled at the nm and sub-nm scale; which will be used to template the realisation of...

Mixed reality for brain functional and structural navigation during neurosurgery (MRbrainS)
Selected Project

Mixed reality for brain functional and structural navigation during neurosurgery (MRbrainS)

Brain tumor surgery presents complex challenges due to a delicate tradeoff between removing as much neoplastic tissue as possible while minimising the loss of brain function. This is usually obtained using intraoperative direct cortical stimulation (DCS) which is considered the gold standard technique for functional mapping of the cortex. Nevertheless, DCS may trigger seizures and can only be...

In-silico quantum generation of random bit streams (Random Power)
Selected Project

In-silico quantum generation of random bit streams (Random Power)

Unpredictability is usually perceived with a sense of uneasiness and discomfort. However, when it comes to secure our data, information, posts, pictures and whatever flows to (or from) the internet about us, protection relies on unpredictability. The impossibility for an eavesdropper or a hacker to break the walls protecting what sits on the net about us depends on...