Country: <span>Japan</span>

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Sub-nanosecond radiation tolerant CMOS pixel sensors (FASTPIX)
Selected Project

Sub-nanosecond radiation tolerant CMOS pixel sensors (FASTPIX)

Integrated image sensors revolutionised the world of visible imaging and receive interest in many other fields. Monolithic CMOS pixel sensors have already been produced to cover a few square meters in some particle physics experiments. The ideal image sensor or camera would detect ionizing particles with an almost noise-free, large amplitude signal, tens of ps...

Hardware module for single ion channel spectroscopy with 100ps time resolution (Nano-patch-clamp)
Selected Project

Hardware module for single ion channel spectroscopy with 100ps time resolution (Nano-patch-clamp)

This project develops a new hardware module that drastically improves the temporal resolution of current patch-clamp from the microsecond domain to the picosecond domain. The hardware module can be attached to a commercially available AFM (atomic force microscopy) platform, as well as a commercially available microwave generator. The new module has both scientific impact to...