Country: <span>Poland</span>

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μ-RWELL advanced neutron imaging apparatus (uRANIA)
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μ-RWELL advanced neutron imaging apparatus (uRANIA)

Structural alongside functional smart materials play an important role in modern industry and technology. The behaviour of such materials is often governed by their structural properties. Knowledge on their specific grain formation and orientation is crucial for their development and use in prospective applications. Neutron diffraction plays a central role in the structural characterisation of...

In-silico quantum generation of random bit streams (Random Power)
Selected Project

In-silico quantum generation of random bit streams (Random Power)

Unpredictability is usually perceived with a sense of uneasiness and discomfort. However, when it comes to secure our data, information, posts, pictures and whatever flows to (or from) the internet about us, protection relies on unpredictability. The impossibility for an eavesdropper or a hacker to break the walls protecting what sits on the net about us depends on...