Organization category: <span>Small and medium-sized enterprise</span>

Home / Small and medium-sized enterprise
Metabolic profiling of in vitro fertilization embryos using hyspectral imaging (HYSPLANT)
Selected Project

Metabolic profiling of in vitro fertilization embryos using hyspectral imaging (HYSPLANT)

One out of seven couples in Europe suffer from subfertility problems. Assisted reproduction including in vitro fertilization (IVF) has overcome many of the underlying infertility causes. IVF involves crossing sperm with isolated eggs to generate an embryo in vitro. Typically, 5-10 embryos are produced per cycle, and 1 or 2 will be then transferred to...

FLuorescence analysis speedup to extremely high rates (FLASH)
Selected Project

FLuorescence analysis speedup to extremely high rates (FLASH)

The goal of FLASH (FLuorescence Analysis Speedup to extremely High rates) project is to develop a new detection system that combines single-photon sensitivity, picosecond temporal resolution, and unprecedented high throughput to acquire time-resolved fluorescence images. A similar system holds great promise to have a revolutionary impact on several fields of biology and medicine. For example,...

3D-­printing electricity-producing bacteria: a new paradigm for developing graphene­‐based biosensors (PRINTBIO)
Selected Project

3D-­printing electricity-producing bacteria: a new paradigm for developing graphene­‐based biosensors (PRINTBIO)

The overall goal of PRINTBIO is to “domesticate” and to 3D print the electricity-producing bacteria from the genus Geobacter to convert this strain in à-la-carte bioelectrochemical biosensor using graphene-based screen printed electrode as electrochemical platform. Classical microbial biosensors require to engineer bacteria with an external module which contain the reporter protein responsible of the output...

Novel combined visible – infrared detectors (VISIR)
Selected Project

Novel combined visible – infrared detectors (VISIR)

The VISIR technology will create a new class of solid-state imagers by monolithically integrating an innovative double diode structure, based on a GaAs/Ge heterostructure, with a CMOS readout/imaging circuit. This combination will be capable of imaging over the spectral range from 400 to 1600 nm, covering the visible (VIS) and most of the short wavelengths...

Rapid detection of high value pollutant ions (DetectION)
Selected Project

Rapid detection of high value pollutant ions (DetectION)

Ion pollution in water causes a wide range of environmental and health problems across the world, including throughout Europe. The extent of the problem is growing, and there is, therefore, an urgent need to develop practical strategies to mitigate this pollution. This project will the latest advances in nanotechnology, to develop a new system to...

GHz single photon detector (Gisiphod)
Selected Project

GHz single photon detector (Gisiphod)

We live in the information age where we rely on the creation, detection, and distribution of short light pulses forming the Internet. The demand for high data throughput has pushed the speed of laser modulators and detectors close to the 1 ps time limit. However, to reach these speeds, current telecom detectors require at least...

Adaptive liquid crystal lenses (ALL)
Selected Project

Adaptive liquid crystal lenses (ALL)

The ALL project is centred on bringing ground breaking adaptive liquid crystal lenses recently developed by the UPM to a state of maturity by which the technology can be transferred from the academic to an industrial environment for further development. The technology developed by the UPM, patent pending, is based on generating high performing lenses, with unprecedented tuning...

Single photon sensor for mid-infrared lidar (SMIL)
Selected Project

Single photon sensor for mid-infrared lidar (SMIL)

Air quality directly impacts our health and the health of the planet, yet it remains a matter of global and individual concern. Today, 91% of the world’s population live where atmospheric pollution reaches harmful levels and the average global temperature is on the rise, changing the climate in yet unknown ways. Cities are at the...

Integrated spectral-correlator with ultra-high time-resolution and efficiency (INSPECT)
Selected Project

Integrated spectral-correlator with ultra-high time-resolution and efficiency (INSPECT)

Optical sensing is a vast and rapidly expanding field, demanding future applications require revolutionary sensors with high detection efficiency, high time resolution, spectral resolution, and statistical analysis of light. There are however no detectors currently available offering all these features simultaneously. In INSPECT we will combine integrated photonics with superconducting detector technology to realise a...

Graphene interferometric modulator displays (GIMOD)
Selected Project

Graphene interferometric modulator displays (GIMOD)

Displays components consume the most power in electronic devices such as smartphones. Portable devices usually convert electricity into light to show images and videos, which spends much energy. Alternatively, reflective-type displays in e-book readers consume little power but cannot provide colourful images nor fast frame rates to reproduce videos. Standard technologies cannot meet the requirements for virtual reality...

GEMPix detector for microdosimetry with tissue-equivalent gas (GEMTEQ)
Selected Project

GEMPix detector for microdosimetry with tissue-equivalent gas (GEMTEQ)

The goal of this project is to develop an innovative detector – called GEMTEQ – for microdosimetry. Microdosimetry is the study of the temporal and spatial distributions of absorbed energy in biological matter and is crucial for the understanding of the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of radiation on human tissue, for example of a carbon ion beam...

Development of a percussion sensor for wood disease evaluation (PERSEFONE)
Selected Project

Development of a percussion sensor for wood disease evaluation (PERSEFONE)

The present project aims to develop a wood disease detection sensor based on a bio-mimetic principle: repeatedly hitting the tree and listening. Animals such as the Aye-aye Daubentonia madagascariensis use their long, thin finger to constantly hit the surface of the trunks. At the same time, their extremely sensitive ear allows them to differentiate and locate those areas...

Novative RadHard front-end ASIC for LIDAR (LIROC)
Selected Project

Novative RadHard front-end ASIC for LIDAR (LIROC)

LIDAR is a distance and speed measurement apparatus using reflection characteristics of an emitted light. A laser emits a brief coherent light pulse at a defined frequency. A photodetector measures the reflected light. The time between emitted and detected light allows to compute the distance from the target. Frequency shift in the reflected light also...

Self-powered autonomous CMOS camera (SPACC)
Selected Project

Self-powered autonomous CMOS camera (SPACC)

The development of IoT requires sensors with a significant autonomy. Among them, cameras play a major role for many applications. Today some battery-powered cameras offer at the best several weeks/months of autonomy. The goal of our project is to design and manufacture a first prototype of a fully self-powered camera. By eliminating the need for...

Single spin NMR (NMR1)
Selected Project

Single spin NMR (NMR1)

The scanning tunneling microscope (STM) is unique in its atomic resolution. The objective of the research is to develop an STM technique that will provide an NMR signal for each atom that the STM observe. This is possible using the hyperfine coupling between an electron which will be injected into the molecule and the nearby...

Immunospot layer imaging of cell excretions (iSLICE)
Selected Project

Immunospot layer imaging of cell excretions (iSLICE)

This project is about a new and innovative screening technology called “iSLICE” (immuno Spot Layer Imaging of Cell Excretions) developed by InterFluidics at the Medical Cell BioPhysics group (MCBP) at the University of Twente and applies chip array and 3D-imaging technology. In iSLICE, a relevant panel of different secreted molecules will be detected as cytokines, interleukins, endocrines,...

Speech-based predictive enrolment in clinical trials for Alzheimer’s (SPECTA)
Selected Project

Speech-based predictive enrolment in clinical trials for Alzheimer’s (SPECTA)

The socio-economic impact of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) in Europe is around €175B annually. There is no cure today but pharmaceutical companies invest heavily in developing new drugs. However, each newly developed drug has to be assessed through a series of clinical trials. This demands major resources in the lifecycle of a new drug. Within the...