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Low noise magnetometer based on tunnel junctions (MAROT)
Selected Project

Low noise magnetometer based on tunnel junctions (MAROT)

The ultimate goal of the project is to realise a new miniaturised and ultra-sensitive magnetometer that can be used in space on all kinds of platforms, including nanosatellites. This new magnetometer, called MAROT (Low noise MAgnetometeR based On Tunnel junctions), is based on improved magnetic tunnel junctions. Compared to state-of-the-art magnetometers used in space, this...

GHz single photon detector (Gisiphod)
Selected Project

GHz single photon detector (Gisiphod)

We live in the information age where we rely on the creation, detection, and distribution of short light pulses forming the Internet. The demand for high data throughput has pushed the speed of laser modulators and detectors close to the 1 ps time limit. However, to reach these speeds, current telecom detectors require at least...

Pathogen enrichment from blood by biosensor-linked peptides (PEBBLES)
Selected Project

Pathogen enrichment from blood by biosensor-linked peptides (PEBBLES)

Annually 31.5 million people develop sepsis, a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection. Approximately 5.3 million people die yearly due to sepsis, among them 420,000 neonates. The majority of epidemiological studies on sepsis, or blood stream infections, focus either on bacteria or fungi and combined analyses are sparse. A global...

Combining cycloidal computed tomography with machine learning: a mechanism to disrupt the costly relationship between spatial resolution and radiation dose (ML-CYCLO-CT)
Selected Project

Combining cycloidal computed tomography with machine learning: a mechanism to disrupt the costly relationship between spatial resolution and radiation dose (ML-CYCLO-CT)

The aim of this project is to develop a new x-ray micro computed tomography (micro-CT) technique that will allow performing high-resolution scans with significantly less radiation dose than conventional machines. In the latter, dose generally increases cubically with increasing the spatial resolution; therefore, high-resolution scans require high doses. This means that such scans are not applicable to...

Adaptive liquid crystal lenses (ALL)
Selected Project

Adaptive liquid crystal lenses (ALL)

The ALL project is centred on bringing ground breaking adaptive liquid crystal lenses recently developed by the UPM to a state of maturity by which the technology can be transferred from the academic to an industrial environment for further development. The technology developed by the UPM, patent pending, is based on generating high performing lenses, with unprecedented tuning...

Single photon sensor for mid-infrared lidar (SMIL)
Selected Project

Single photon sensor for mid-infrared lidar (SMIL)

Air quality directly impacts our health and the health of the planet, yet it remains a matter of global and individual concern. Today, 91% of the world’s population live where atmospheric pollution reaches harmful levels and the average global temperature is on the rise, changing the climate in yet unknown ways. Cities are at the...

A novel Raman-based sensor for combustible gas analysis (GasRaman)
Selected Project

A novel Raman-based sensor for combustible gas analysis (GasRaman)

Natural gas (i.e. methane) is a key resource for the energy and fuel market of the next two decades. Above all, methane as a fossil fuel has a lower carbon footprint than coal and oil, so it is going to play a fundamental role in the transition to renewables. Furthermore, it can be easily replaced with biomethane....

Breakthrough in molecular imaging (iDMS)
Selected Project

Breakthrough in molecular imaging (iDMS)

The goal of the proposed project is to develop a differential mobility spectrometry-based technology for label-free molecular imaging and to pilot its applications in biological tissue analysis. Successful project would lay the foundation for widespread use of label-free molecular imaging that would revolutionise analysis of tissues by allowing large-scale adoption and realise unforeseen applications also outside the medical area....

SMART (Supersensitive Multipurpose Advanced Radiation Technology): Supersensitive multipurpose/multifunctional avalanche gaseous detectors for environmental hazard intrusion system
Selected Project

SMART (Supersensitive Multipurpose Advanced Radiation Technology): Supersensitive multipurpose/multifunctional avalanche gaseous detectors for environmental hazard intrusion system

Safe environmental conditions and environmental monitoring have great importance in our life. The early detection of dangerous events, such as earthquakes, large-scale fires, appearing of poisoning or flammable gases, water and soil pollutions are critical to prevent oncoming cataclysms. Here we propose an integrated smart device that can be part of a network, capable to detect any...

A novel holistic approach for hardware trojan detection powered by deep learning (HERO)
Selected Project

A novel holistic approach for hardware trojan detection powered by deep learning (HERO)

Hardware trojans (HT) impact our everyday life and may even cause life threatening situations. Unlike other errors and malfunctions, Trojans are inserted deliberately. Apart from insider attacks, the economically driven outsourcing of production steps to third party contractors enlarges the attack surface dramatically. Ideally, any undesired modification made to an IC should be detectable by presilicon verification/simulation and post-silicon...

Cavity-enhanced microscopy (CEMIC)
Selected Project

Cavity-enhanced microscopy (CEMIC)

Much of the knowledge that we have from our world stems from the analysis of images. Using optics and cameras, we can map how much light a sample absorbs or how by how quickly the light propagates in a medium (both together are described by the complex refractive index). From these spectral properties, we can...

Dynamic metasurfaces for 3D imaging (3D-META)
Selected Project

Dynamic metasurfaces for 3D imaging (3D-META)

3D-META proposes an entirely new principle for beam steering of relevance to 3D imaging with lidar microsensors. Our proposed mechanism avoids the fundamental limitations associated with current MEMS tip-tilt micromirrors by instead using MEMS to tune the electromagnetic properties of gap surface plasmon metasurfaces. Using such dynamic metasurfaces we target a factor 10 increase in scanning angle range...

Integrated spectral-correlator with ultra-high time-resolution and efficiency (INSPECT)
Selected Project

Integrated spectral-correlator with ultra-high time-resolution and efficiency (INSPECT)

Optical sensing is a vast and rapidly expanding field, demanding future applications require revolutionary sensors with high detection efficiency, high time resolution, spectral resolution, and statistical analysis of light. There are however no detectors currently available offering all these features simultaneously. In INSPECT we will combine integrated photonics with superconducting detector technology to realise a...

Nano-scale patterned high critical-temperature superconducting sensor technology for next-generation neuroimaging with magnetoencephalography (Nano-MEG)
Selected Project

Nano-scale patterned high critical-temperature superconducting sensor technology for next-generation neuroimaging with magnetoencephalography (Nano-MEG)

We aim to combine recent breakthroughs in magnetic sensing technology and functional neuroimaging system design for beyond state-of-the-art investigations of the human brain in health and disease. The technical breakthrough consists of nano-fabricated high critical-temperature (high-Tc) junctions that yield superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometers that are simpler to fabricate, enable more flexibility in design,...

Endoscopy by interferenceless coded aperture correlation holography device with annular optical aperture (EI-COACH)
Selected Project

Endoscopy by interferenceless coded aperture correlation holography device with annular optical aperture (EI-COACH)

Recently, we proposed a novel imaging method which combines two different concepts; coded aperture imaging and incoherent digital holography. This combination opens new world of 3D imaging with interesting unexpected features. The new imaging concept is dubbed interferenceless coded aperture correlation holography (I-COACH). In I-COACH, modulating a single beam with a codded phase mask yields...

Quantum imaging for tomography (QuIT)
Selected Project

Quantum imaging for tomography (QuIT)

X-ray tomography is an incredibly useful diagnostic tool in various sectors of medicine. However, the typical radiation dose the patient absorbs during a ct scan is quite high, so that less informative tools must be often used instead. A drastic reduction of the radiation dose would open x-ray tomography to vast new applications, e.g. preventive...

Personal radars for radio imaging and infrastructure-less localisation (PRIMELOC)
Selected Project

Personal radars for radio imaging and infrastructure-less localisation (PRIMELOC)

The vision PRIMELOC envisions a future where location-based services, enabled outdoor by Galileo or GPS, will be widely provided also in indoor spaces, thanks to the availability of automatically generated maps and infrastructure-less localisation inside buildings. In this project, we devise the new concept of personal radar as a fundamental step toward this goal. This concept stems...

Positronium surface-scanning microscopy (O-possum II)
Selected Project

Positronium surface-scanning microscopy (O-possum II)

Microscopy (whether using neutral systems, such as photons or atoms, or charged systems, such as electrons) requires the ability to “optically” manipulate low energy particles, through a series of “lenses” that are used to focus a beam and scan it across a surface (except in the case of atomic force microscopy, where the divergently emitting...