CAROTS startup school for scientific business ideas

CAROTS startup school for scientific business ideas

Calling all scientists interested in turning entrepreneurs

Are you…

  • a scientist or engineer with experience in an advanced analytical method
  • interested in bridging the gap between science and industry by providing consulting services based on advanced scientific measurement methods
  • playing with the idea of becoming a “sciencepreneur” and turning your skills into a business?

Then you should apply to the CAROTS Startup School where…

  •     you will have direct access to some of Europe’s leading CEOs of scientific service companies
  •     you can take part in tailored webinars
  •     you will get the opportunity to join a European network of likeminded people

The scope is not limited to certain methods or industrial sectors. Be it life science, materials science, chemistry, pharma research – if you think you can provide an advanced analytical technique which is of interest for science-driven SMEs and/or large industrial R&D departments, tell them about your skills and ideas and join them for the CAROTS Startup School for Scientific Service Companies!

Applications deadline: 31st January 2021.


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